Emerging Career Paths

As our world changes, the demand for certain professions does as well. This has created a host of opportunities for those who are about to start their tertiary studies. It’s also driven the popularity of new-age programmes that fit requirements of a digitally driven age. These include the likes of Computer Information Science, Analytics and more.

Which career choices are making some serious waves in 2018? We’re taking a closer look at some of them below.

The rise of the machines

With the emergence of more advanced technology comes a need for improved skills. These new skill sets are in line with the latest developments. As a result, Computer Information Science has become a qualification that’s gained traction. Large-scale organisations have their own in-house IT departments and smaller companies will outsource their IT to qualified providers. This makes those who study web development, the principles of information technology (IT) and programming extremely employable.

Big data matters

Part of the digital age has been the data that comes with it. From website use to social media engagement, there’s a lot to be learned from data. This has meant an increase in the need for Analysts who can attain, interpret and report on values that appear to be gibberish to those none the wiser. Whether it’s to understand an audience, examine the user experience or even determine how well an advert did, these analysts are vital for success in these times.

Digital communications

Although communications have always been an integral part of conducting business, technology has come to change the way we do it. This has made way for a new stream of specialists who know how to maximise the benefits of communication in today’s world. These careers include PR, journalism, blogging, social media management, copywriting and even strategy.

Digital commerce

In line with the communications side of things, you’ll find e-commerce an important way to buy and sell in the modern age. This means that individuals must now study how digital has impacted the world of commerce in order to be successfully integrated into its working world. Career prospects in this area include sales managers, business development executives, entrepreneurs and even customer relations managers. If you consider that you can now buy almost every single thing you need online, it’s no wonder new job avenues have emerged.

Be part of the modern career market

To fear change is to resist growth. At The IIE’s Varsity College, we’ve got a range of IIE programmes suited towards today’s working world. It’s how we’ve helped our graduates make their mark in their chosen industries. If you’re interested in what the IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development entails, please click here.

Varsity College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE).