How To Stay Focused When Studying

Have you ever zoned out while staring at your textbooks, your mind wandering aimlessly as the words start to blur? You're not the only one. How to focus when studying is a question all students ask themselves regularly. The answer is simple: implement the right strategies to revamp your study routine and learn like a pro!

Understanding focus in the context of studying

What does it really mean to focus, when it comes to studying? In academics, focus is about honing your ability to concentrate your attention and mental energy on a specific task without getting easily side-tracked. So how to stay focused? It involves fully immersing yourself in the subject matter at hand, maintaining your concentration over an extended period, and resisting the temptation to stray from your study goals. But why is focus so important for academic success? When you focus, you understand the subject matter better, become more productive and reduce errors in your work. But there are barriers to staying on track and keeping productivity high, whether you’re studying, trying to meet a deadline in the office or working from home. Social media distractions, phone calls, fatigue, lack of motivation and interest, along with a busy, noisy, distracting environment can steal your focus and pull you away from your task.

Creating the right study environment

The best environments for focused studying can be created by following a few key pointers. And it’s definitely worth the extra effort; a well-organised study space can hugely improve your focus, productivity and overall learning experience.

  • Start by choosing the right lighting. Stick to natural light whenever possible. Try positioning your desk near a window. If you’re using a desk lamp, check that its settings are not causing you to strain your eyes. Even a glare from your laptop can lead to you losing focus.
  • Cut noise out. Choose a quiet spot or get yourself a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Speak to your roommates or family members about keeping the noise down when you are studying.
  • Work in an organised space. Get rid of clutter, keep your supplies, such as study materials and stationery, within reach, and get a comfortable chair.

Planning and organising study sessions

How you organise your time matters too. Creating a study plan with clear goals will boost your productivity. Breaking down your material into smaller parts and focusing on specific objectives can make studying less overwhelming and more effective. Balancing your study time with other responsibilities, and setting achievable goals can keep you motivated and stress-free. The Pomodoro Technique is a great way to manage your time efficiently, allowing you to work in focused intervals and take short breaks for maximum productivity. Start by breaking up your work into blocks. Set a timer for 25 minutes and concentrate on studying during that time. A short break follows before starting the cycle again. The time-blocking method allows you to organise your day by scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks. List the tasks you need to complete, allocate a time block to each task and stay focused only on the assigned task during each block.

Techniques to enhance concentration

How to focus on studying for exams? It can be tough, but some techniques can help improve your ability to focus and stay engaged. There are several effective methods to enhance concentration, including mindfulness practices, focus apps, and cognitive exercises. A mindfulness practice such as meditation simply sets aside a few minutes to sit in a peaceful environment, close your eyes, and concentrate on breathing. The advantages of consistent mindfulness practice include boosting attention span, decreasing stress levels, and improving your capacity to concentrate on activities. Focus apps,when used properly, reduce distractions. Some are web blockers while others are task managers to help you organise your work. This is particularly useful when stress and exam anxiety hits and you need help to keep things structured. Memory games and mind mapping are cognitive exercises that keep you focused. All these tools, aids and exercises can make a big difference.

The role of nutrition and hydration

Did you know that your food and drinks can impact your ability to focus, process information and maintain energy levels? It supports the age old warning that we are what we eat, which means if you eat junk food all day, you’ll soon feel exhausted. Poor food and drink choices can lead to cognitive fatigue and a decline in mental performance. Proper nutrition supports memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Choose brain-boosting foods like fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and berries to help maintain energy levels and enhance focus and cognitive performance. And don’t forget the water – you have to stay hydrated for your brain to function optimally.

Breaks and physical activity

Short breaks in your routine will prevent mental fatigue, reduce the risk of burnout, and boost memory retention. Physical activities like stretching and short walks can refresh your mind and body, help with stress, and allow you to return to your studies with renewed energy and concentration. It’s no wonder a well-balanced study routine depends on both mental breaks and physical exercise.

Developing consistent study habits

Establishing and sticking to a consistent study routine is vital for your academic success. Here’s a summary of our top tips to get the best from your studying sessions.

  • Set aside a specific time each day for studying. Consistent timing helps form a habit and signals to your brain that it's time to concentrate. Select a time that matches your natural energy levels. Some people are early birds; others are at their best in the evenings. Find your sweet spot and go from there.
  • Develop a study plan. Divide your study material into manageable sections and set daily objectives. This helps keep your study sessions on track and it all becomes less overwhelming.
  • Designate a study area. Choose a comfortable spot with little distractions.
  • Use calendars, planners and apps: Calendars, planners, or digital tools can be used schedule study sessions, monitor deadlines, and set reminders for upcoming tasks.
  • Schedule rest periods. Include regular breaks in your study routine to prevent burnout.
  • Incorporate some exercise, even short walks, into your study plan.
  • Look after your nutrition and hydration. And get enough sleep!

Strategies and ideas to improve concentration, manage your time wisely and set up a good study environment are within everyone’s grasp. Once you know what to do, the next step is to implement. And it’s important to stick to what works for you; tweak things as you go until you’ve found a plan that makes the most sense for your particular needs. Everyone is different, so choose only those things that work best for you.

About The IIE’s Varsity College

The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) of which Varsity College is a brand, is South Africa’s largest registered and accredited private provider of higher education. At Varsity College we understand that no two students are the same or learn the same. That’s why we make sure a student’s education is shaped around them; how they like to learn, what they are passionate about, what makes them tick, and what makes them thrive. Our Education by Design approach allows students to grow into their best, and creates a space where they can live, learn and play – their way.