Life After Lockdown - Continue To Plan For Your Future

Whether you’re in matric or already studying towards a qualification in tertiary, the chances are that you’ve started to plan your future. With COVID-19 and our national lockdown causing times of uncertainty for many, some have decided to put their dreams on hold. When you consider everything you’ve worked so hard for, it seems sad and almost a waste to let everything come to a standstill.

The truth is, you don’t have to press pause on how you choose to plan your future. The entire world is getting to grips with the “new normal” as we navigate this pandemic. This slower way of living actually provides the perfect opportunity to work on your game plan and invest in yourself. Here’s how we think you could be using this time for your advantage.


Uphold past intentions to do things and set new ones

You might have wanted to complete an online course or run 10km by June this year. There’s no reason why you can’t still do what you set out to. At The IIE’s Varsity College, a range of online IIE qualifications and short learning programmes enable studying from home with the option of online academic support if you choose. It also means that you have access to our #NewWorldThinking, an approach to everything we do anchored in critical thinking and problem solving. If your goals are academic ones, these study tips will stand you in good stead:


• Set up a designated study space

• Stick to a routine

• Get up daily, shower and get dressed for the day

• Take regular breaks

• Get enough sleep

• Stay organised and on track with deadlines

Shuffle those goals around

Some of your goals might be better suited to a time when lockdown ends but there will be some that are ideal for a time like this one. Prioritising achievable goals over this period will help you reach them and find a sense of purpose instead of just glossing over bad news on the TV. Learning new skills is a wonderful way to utilise this time well. Whether it’s a new language, playing a new instrument or mastering a new dish in the kitchen, any learning you can do now will inspire your own growth.

Tackle things you’ve been avoiding

Whether it is cleaning your room, completing online applications for your tertiary studies or even finishing that book, now is the time. This will help you fill your time in a positive way and tick tasks off of your list. That way, you’ll step out of lockdown with far less on your plate. This will help you feel less overwhelmed as well.

Just believe

Whilst we might not know when the end of the pandemic will come, we have to believe that normalcy will resume soon. By allowing yourself to think positively and ahead of what’s happening right now, you can still accommodate everything you want to achieve without sacrificing the things you really want.

We’re never offline

Although many organisations have been forced to close their doors at this time, our online learning platform gives our students access to everything they need. This means no time off from pursuing their dream qualifications and all the academic support they need to thrive. For more on #NewWorldThinking and how it keeps up with changing times, please click here.