Reach For A Dream Captain Courage Adventures


Varsity College Westville and The Reach For A Dream Foundation put together an exciting experience a group the young boys at the Giba Gorge. The Captain Courage Project is aimed at acknowledging the bravery of children fighting life-threatening illnesses, and fulfilling their dreams motivated this fun filled day. To kick off the day the VC Cares team, a body of student volunteers, took the boys on a tour around the camp, after which each boy went on a horse ride. They were soon ready to begin the fearsome obstacle course.  After all the excitement the boys opted to take a dip in the stream to cool off just in time for lunch. They enjoyed a big lunch and everyone received goodie boxes. Just when they thought it was over they were marched back for a final boot camp.    16 boys each received a Captain Courage medal. Varsity College is sure that these boys will have many stories to tell their friends and family, they all had smiles on their faces.