Great excitement filled the room at Centre for the Book as approximately 110 guests representing corporates participated in the second annual Varsity College Cape Town Corporate Trivia Quiz. The quiz, held in aid of literacy was won by the ACI Global Limited team – a team that consisted of four general knowledge gurus. Amongst the guests were companies such as I-TECH and IBTC who had two tables attend this spectacular event.
Said special guest Miss South Africa, Liesl Laurie: “I believe the event is a great way to bring people together whilst learning. It is a special cause and I salute everyone involved in investing in the literacy of our future leaders.”
More than 450 learners at Koeberg Primary will benefit from the audio-visual mobile library which will be purchased from the Masixhasane Literacy Project and donated to the school later this year. The Masixhasane Literacy Project is an organisation that aims at educating youngsters and strives to achieve a passion for reading by building mobile libraries for disadvantaged schools.
Said Ashleigh Holland, Student Relations Manager “A big thank-you to My Domain and Varsity Vibe for jumping on board as our two main sponsors.
We truly appreciate your support and are grateful that we can now purchase this audio-visual mobile library for Koeberg Primary School.”