can lay the foundation of some very important skills. This is especially true for the likes of software development. However, it’s important that you never stop learning because the emergence and passing of trends can change many things within the IT programming world. A finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the industry is so vital if you’re going to have the upper hand.
This year has been an interesting one so far for software development. With new and existing technologies playing their part in IT, not all have been as successful as others. Which trends have made waves and which ones will still dominate in 2019? Keep reading to find out.
Stronger security measures all round
Information technology courses will always preach the value of good online security systems. 2018 has seen several cyber-attacks on massive names like Facebook earlier this year. Although, it isn’t only the big guns who need to take care. Small to medium-sized businesses are also seeing the pressing need for improved cybersecurity. With cloud-based accounts and a website putting corporations at risk, IT specialists need to be on high alert for automated malicious software.
What first gained fame thanks to the Bitcoin revolution has now been adopted by many huge global players. For those who need a little clarity, Blockchain refers to technology that enables a peer-to-peer network of interconnected devices. These are used to store data instead of relying on central computers. Why is it popular? It allows the authentication of large-scale transactions. This has made it invaluable to a host of industries. With entities like Amazon and Microsoft relying on Blockchain, there’s no sign of it dying down any time soon.
The rise of Artificial Intelligence
Whilst we’ve already seen AI become more and more popular, it’s proven to have limitless potential for many large businesses. Not only does it provide awesome interactions for consumers in the area of customer service, it’s set to revolutionise processes as well. Admin and processes have become more streamlined thanks to AI. Now, businesses can attain a competitive edge that helps them stand out with consumers. Google and Slack are already the leaders in AI and the opportunities are endless. From voice-responsive home assistants to chatbots and big data, the age of Artificial Intelligence is here. Rumour has it that soon Google will base its algorithms on AI technology. Watch this space, there’s way more to see in 2019!
Get a qualification that transcends the trends
Trends come and go but knowledge is forever. It’s why you should never underestimate the power of having a respected qualification behind you. If you’re looking to start your journey into software development and programming, there’s no better time than right now. For a qualification that prepares you for the working world, Varsity College has a variety of IIE qualifications to suit your goals. The IIE Diploma in Information Technology in Software Development at The IIE’s Varsity College is a sure way to get you on the right track and keep going places. Take life to the next level when you click here.