Project Runway, the theme for this year’s Varsity College Cape Town fashion show, featured edgy underground entertainment as well as some grungy street fashion.
The evening’s entertainment began with a graffiti artist  spraying a Project Runway themed installation piece at the entrance to the venue.  The show itself was MC’ed by Goodhope FM DJ Guy Macdonald. It featured a variety of performances, such as dance numbers by  the Street Stylers dance crew and  Fire Dancers performing to live beats by DJ Jigsaw  .
 Said Abongile Nzelenzele, Vice Principal Marketing?  “The evening was a perfect example of what we are trying to instill in our students. That is a full, vibrant student life which goes hand -in- hand with a developed social conscience. Our own Varsity College models showcased the latest fashion on the runway, courtesy of Cotton On, Monsoon, Eurosuit and  aFREAKa.The real stars of the show however, were our VIP’s from Marsh Memorial Children’s Home who made a guest appearance on stage.  All proceeds from the fashion show were donated to Marsh Memorial Children’s Home.”