Why Our Bachelor Of Education Is Unique

​For aspiring educators, studying a Bachelor of Education degree at The IIE's Varsity College is an excellent way to kickstart your career. It's also a sure way to safeguard your future thanks to the perfect blend of skills for tomorrow's challenges. Here's what studying this teaching degree can offer you.

New World Thinking

By now, you might have already heard about our New World thinking that imparts skills for today's professionals. This means that studying an IIE teaching degree at The IIE's Varsity College strengthens you problem-solving and critical thinking abilities so that you can navigate any challenge that teaching might present. When the world is evolving at a rapid pace, surely the way we approach problems and our chosen industry should grow too?

What A Boss Wants

In the past, it was tough to know what every prospective employer is looking for. Luckily, we know that problem-solving and critical thinking are the two most in-demand skills you can have behind you in the new world. It's why an IIE Bachelor of Education at The IIE's Varsity College imparts more than just theory. It delivers the skills you need to put it into practise and make a name for yourself. When you've got everything a boss wants, there's no reason why you can't land your dream job, excel and grow from strength to strength. With the right IIE degree at The IIE's Varsity College and some hard work from you, the world really is your oyster.

Problem Solved!

In today's world, a lot of any job description is based on an ability to solve problems that arise on a daily basis. This stems from questioning methods to find a better way of doing something. At The IIE's Varsity College, the IIE's B. Ed Degree takes a respected profession like teaching and turns candidates into capable problem-solvers who get things done. The future lies in the hands of those who can identify and implement new solutions that haven't been considered before. In the teaching context, you might encounter a student who needs extra help or an issue at school that needs to be resolved. In these instances, your skills will help you rise to the occasion.

Almost Every Modern Career Is Now An Unusual One

Although teaching is an age-old profession, today's educators are significantly more skilled than their predecessors. At The IIE's Varsity College our teaching programmes equip aspiring teachers with everything they need to pursue a variety of teaching disciplines imaginable. Whether you want to stay in South Africa and focus on foundation phase or move abroad and teach English, you'll have the skills that make all the difference. In a world where technology takes traditional classrooms and turns them on their heads, IIE graduates who have studied through The IIE's Varsity College master various learning mediums and teaching methods, leading to their success. Consider the world as we know it in the grip of a global pandemic. Teachers have risen to the occasion to teach remotely via digital platforms. It's why every educator needs a to study a qualification that keeps them agile and prepared for anything.

Born To Teach?

We've got you covered. To learn more about an IIE B. Ed degree at The IIE's Varsity College, please click here.