What Is Leadership And Why Is It Important?

Leadership is the ability to create a vision, and then inspire, influence, and motivate others to work towards that vision. Like the captain of a ship, the leader holds things together in turbulent times and ensures their team stays on course.

How do you develop leadership qualities?

Self-reflection is a good place to start if you want to develop your leadership potential. Be honest with yourself and try to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Then work on strengthening your weaknesses and building on your strengths.

Learn to be flexible. Be aware of what is not working, what needs changing and whether you are meeting your goals.

Practice being decisive. It tough to make those make-or-break choices, but your present or future team will be looking to you to lead.

Learn to communicate. Make sure everyone knows where you are going and how you plan to get there. Communication also means learning to listen and take other opinions on board. If people feel acknowledged they’ll be more willing to follow.

The 10 top qualities of a good leader

There are a host of characteristics that define an effective leader. Here are just 10 of the most important leadership traits:

1. Vision:
good leaders see the bigger picture and are not bogged down in detail. They know where they are going and how to get there - their vision influences their every decision. Crucially, they know how to share their vision and motivate the team to work towards it.

2. Communication:
there is little point in having a vision if you cannot communicate it to your followers. Sharing your message and ensuring that everyone understands and buys into it is an important leadership trait. Communication is also a two-way street – a good leader knows how to listen. They don’t have to agree but they need to hear and acknowledge what their people are saying.

3. Innovation:
a great leader not only thinks outside the box but encourages others to be creative and offer different and challenging perspectives. Innovative leaders are willing to try out new ideas, promote collaboration and welcome honest feedback. They are also willing to take risks, knowing that if they keep their eye on the ball, these risks are likely to pay off.

4. Integrity:
true leaders are ethical; they stand up for what they believe in, and stick to their principles, no matter the consequences. Promises are made in good faith, and leaders with integrity never make compromises that undermine their values.

5. Empathy:
good leaders know how to put themselves in the shoes of others and show a real interest in their team members. A leader who is kind and understanding, and who encourages empathy between team members, creates an atmosphere of mutual trust and loyalty from team members.

6. Ability to delegate:
it’s not easy to delegate responsibility, especially if you feel you could do the task better yourself. However, you need to show trust in your team while helping others hone their skills. Delegating also means that you can make sure that your attention is focused on the big picture.

7. Encourage teamwork:
good leaders are able to build team spirit and get everyone working towards a common goal. Teamwork depends on your ability to create a close bond, trust, and mutual dependence. It’s no easy task but if you want to achieve your goals you need a unified team.

8. Decisiveness:
good leaders make informed, clear and timely decisions. You need the ability to collect whatever information is needed, and to trust your own decision-making skills, even if there are many dissenting voices. You should guard against inaction and hesitating so long that you miss the opportunities that lie ahead.

9. Resilience:
this means overcoming obstacles and never giving up. Admitting when things go wrong, reevaluating where you are and adapting a plan are all signs of strong leadership. Great leaders see failure as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and try again.

10. Self-confidence:
one of the most important characteristics of a leader is self-confidence. Without a sense of self assurance, you will continually question yourself and struggle to make decisions. If you question your abilities, how can you expect others to put their faith in you? This is not something you can fake. Believing in your goals and knowing you can reach them will inspire confidence in those who depend on your leadership.

Leadership qualities are essential to any great career and developing them as young as possible will help you succeed in whatever field you choose. Great leadership goes hand in hand with great education and ongoing learning. If you’re exploring first-time study options or looking to improve your skills and knowledge part-time, find out more here about degrees at Varsity College, a brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), SA’s largest registered and accredited private provider of higher education.