The IIE Varsity College Community Law Clinic (IIEVC CLC) strives to provide excellent legal advice and services to those who cannot afford private legal services. The IIEVC CLC further strives to provide exceptional clinical law training for our law students which incorporates social justice awareness and ethics and seeks to instill a community service-oriented approach to law and concern for others in the IIE LLB students. The IIEVC CLC will also serve as a place for our academic collective to further the research imperative to the benefit of the vulnerable.

We will:
- Serve the vulnerable members of society, who cannot afford private legal services, with integrity;
- Promote human rights and a culture of ethics;
- Increase access to justice;
- Adopt a holistic view of legal matters so we are able to assist clients to implement innovative and practical solutions to their legal concerns;
- Encourage alternative dispute resolution mechanisms wherever possible to reduce the need for litigation and promote healthy relationships between disputants;
- Educate individuals about the South African Constitution and laws relevant to their circumstances, thus helping people to understand the rule of law, the idea of human rights, and government accountability;
- Capacitate The IIE law students and candidate legal practitioners with the experience needed for their next stage of career development;
- Instill in our students an empathetic approach to legal matters so that they carry our broader ethos of dispute resolution and broad-minded, forward-looking, problem solving into their own practice;
- Provide the legal profession with well-rounded candidate legal practitioners who are not only excellent additions to legal practice but who reflect a strong sensitivity to the socio-economic disparity present in South Africa;
- Provide a healthy environment for research ideas to develop into published works that benefit the vulnerable; and • Harness the specialised skills of our academic staff to grow, drive and empower The IIE Varsity College Community Law Clinic’s vision.
Contact Us
Tel: 031 007 5800
Operating hours: from 3 May 2022, 12h00-16h00,
Monday-Thursday & the last Saturday
of each month 09h00-12h00
Location: 12 Radar Drive, Durban North, KwaZulu-Natal
before setting up appointment to meet with us please our intake Form by clicking here and then email it to