Caprice Chislett

Caprice Chislett
Marketing Manager
The Whiteley Clinic - Camberley, England
My journey since completing my Diploma at Varsity College has just flourished. Each new step I took, was not only an improvement in my career but has also been a step to being a better and greater person as a whole. Having the opportunity to teach myself new techniques, meeting new inspiring people as well as stepping into roles that at first made me uncomfortable yet being some of my biggest accomplishments.
2.How did your Varsity College experience help shape your success? / How did the education you received, help you get to where you are now?
I wouldn’t have even thought of the career path I had taken if I hadn’t attended Varsity College. Public Relations wasn’t at the forefront of what I thought would be my path. None the less I thoroughly enjoyed every second of my studies, each year igniting a new passion that I had never focused on – be it Communications, Photography to law of Public Relations and Journalism. It is now that I look back on my studies and truly appreciate the education I received as it has shaped me into the Marketing Manager that I am now.
3.What advice would you give current Varsity College students interested in your field?
Dive into every aspect headfirst. Absorb as much knowledge and information your lecturers provide. Not only will you gain skills for your career path, but you will also gain skills that YOU, yourself can benefit from in life itself. Get out of your comfort zone, you certainly going to have to if you continue forth in this career and take that leap of faith – it will certainly pay off!
4.How did the education you received, help you get to where you are now?
The fact that each class was a lot smaller to those at big Universities allowed for the more ‘one on one’ feel. I truly believe it is due to this that allowed for me to excel in my studies and helped keep my ‘eye on the prize’. You get to truly interact with your peers and lecturers and there is so much to gain from every individual without realising how they will impact your future.
5.What are some of your fondest memories from your time at Varsity College?
Besides the insanely fun induction weeks, I made lifelong friends and can absolutely, still speak so highly of all my lecturers. I cannot express the amount of expertise and knowledge gained from most of my lecturers. I learnt a lot about myself and my capability and if it wasn’t for my time at Varsity College, I probably wouldn’t be in the field that I am in now.
6.Last but definitely not least, any words of encouragement for those still studying, in light of the current state of the world?
Take each day as it comes and always be proud of everything you accomplish. There are always going to be times where you are let down, times that will make you feel uncomfortable or perhaps disappointed in yourself BUT one thing to remember is that your biggest success comes straight after a setback!