The IIE’s Varsity College Exam Centres
Eight IIE Varsity College Campus exam centres are available within South Africa for selection as the exam centre at which you would write exams. You will receive operational support from the Online Centre.
Alternative Venues
An alternative examination centre is only permissible for international students and those located in a province of South Africa where there is no IIE campus. It is your responsibility to identify an examination centre (educational or religious site or embassy or consulate) if you have not already done so. Once you have secured your examination venue, we require a letter confirming availability from the examination centre you have chosen. If a change of examination venue is required – it is again the student’s responsibility to locate a new venue and provide the confirmation letter together with the supporting documentation which details the reason for the examination venue change. Students registered in the distance mode must select an Examination Centre at which to undertake the sit-down summative assessments per module. These are usually scheduled at the close of each semester. A student based in South Africa may select any campus of The IIE’s Varsity College, Rosebank College, Vega, or IIE MSA as their Examination Centre. If there is no IIE campus within reach of the student, an alternative venue will need to be sourced by the student. For these non-IIE venues, there is an alternative venue levy per module.
Please note, once the examination venue is selected and confirmed, it cannot be changed within eight weeks prior to the summative examination.