IIE Bachelor of Laws - 6 Years

A professional qualification that prepares graduates for work and practice in the field of law in South Africa.

IIE Bachelor of Laws - 6 Years

IIE Bachelor of Laws - 6 Years

A professional qualification that prepares graduates for work and practice in the field of law in South Africa.

IIE Bachelor of Laws - 6 Years overview

The IIE Bachelor of Laws or LLB degree is a professional qualification that prepares graduates for work and practice in the field of law in South Africa. This degree comprises the legal modules required by graduates to, upon compliance with additional legislative requirements, be admitted as attorneys and advocates of the High Court of South Africa. Graduates with this degree may also follow a variety of alternative careers in law.

The distance mode of study is ideal for working adults who prefer not to attend full-time lectures, but still want to pursue a higher education qualification.

As an IIE distance student you will receive all your support online from a dedicated team of IIE Varsity College lecturers.

Programme Information
  • Course: Degree
  • Mode: Distance (Minimum 6 Years)
  • NQF Level: 8
  • Credits: 500
  • SAQA ID: 101647

Additional information

For admission requirements please click here

The IIE Bachelor of Laws degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 500-credit qualification on level 8 (SAQA ID: 101647).

In keeping with the purpose of professional degrees, this Bachelor of Laws (LLB) programme will enable graduates to apply a well-rounded theoretical and practical knowledge base across a broad range of specialisations, careers, enterprise types and industries in both the public and private sectors.

The following career opportunities, among others, exist for graduates of this degree:

  • Advocate
  • Attorney
  • Public Prosecutor
  • State Advocate
  • Registrar
  • Maintenance Officer
  • Judge’s Clerk
  • Office of the Chief State Law Advisor
  • State Attorney
  • Master of the High Court
  • Office of the Family Advocate
  • Company Secretary
  • Legal Education / Academia
  • Legal Advisor
  • Legal Advisor at a Chapter 9 Institution
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner
  • State Law Advisor
  • Legal Administration Officer
  • Legal Researcher
  • Legal Writer or Editor
  • Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) Legal Officer
  • Forensic Investigator

The IIE’s distance delivery mode provides you with the agility of studying towards a tertiary qualification asynchronously, at different times from different locations. Distance students need to commit to approximately 20-25 hours a week for distance engagement (most of which is after hours) with material and assessments to succeed.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

  • A sequenced online learning environment that allows you the ability to manage your learning experiences flexibly and autonomously.
  • A learner guide designed to lead you through the module material and learning outcomes, empowering you to effectively pace your learning in preparation for assessments.
  • Our Learning Management System is designed to break up your learning units into manageable sections which include various activities to support learning
  • Module expert online lecturers that facilitate module teaching and learning support through various technology enhanced mediums.
  • Student Relations Specialists provide administrative and operational guidance and support throughout your academic journey.
  • A professionally registered Student Wellness Specialist/Counsellor is available for short-term, primary counselling services. Additionally, the Student Wellness Specialist/Counsellor hosts various webinars and virtual talks on topics that promote a balanced lifestyle as you pursue your academic goals.

The IIE Bachelor of Laws degree will allow graduates to articulate into programmes at South African public or private higher education institutions, subject to the particular admission requirements of the institution applied to being met.

The IIE Bachelor of Laws degree is specifically intended to provide opportunities for vertical articulation into the Master of Laws (LLM) degree. This degree is also designed to facilitate entry horizontally into appropriate Postgraduate Diplomas and similar vocationally orientated programmes.

It is further envisaged that graduates from The IIE LLB degree may enrol for master’s degrees in non-law disciplines such as business (MBA’s) or in the field of higher education. The degree will also allow graduates to proceed to further study in an IIE postgraduate certificate or diploma or honours degree available at The IIE’s Varsity College.

It is important to remember, however, that your academic results remain a key factor when applying for further studies.

The IIE is not only accredited in South Africa but its dedication to providing quality education also led to it being accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) in 2014. The British Accreditation Council is an independent authority in the United Kingdom that accredits private providers globally, including Greece, Switzerland, Singapore, India, Mauritius and the United Arab Emirates. In 2017 The IIE had its accreditation status confirmed by the BAC as an Independent Higher Education Institution confirming our confidence in the international comparability of our standards.

South African students need to know, when they select a private higher education institution, that the standards offered are equivalent to those of a public University. Our students get this from our extensive local accreditation and registration. The students also benefit from knowing that we meet international standards too. The IIE is accredited as an Independent Higher Education Institution by the British Accreditation Council. Locally and internationally we have demonstrated the quality of what we offer.

The IIE’s Varsity College students can be confident that their IIE learning experience meets international best practice standards.

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Why study Law at
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