IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship - 2nd Semester Start For Distance Only

Please note, not all programmes are available on all IIE Varsity College campuses. To find out if your programme of interest is available, contact the campus directly.

Course Information
  • Course: Degree
  • Mode: Distance (Minimum 3 Years)
  • NQF Level: 7
  • Credits: 360
  • SAQA ID: 111287
  • 2024 Fees: Click to view

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship (BCEN312) degree provides graduates with general business principles and theory as preparation for entry into general employment, either as an entrepreneur or entrepreneurial thinker in corporate organisations. It will expose graduates to concepts, principles and theories of entrepreneurship within the context of a developing country such as South Africa. This Degree will develop the graduate’s capacity to analyse scenarios within the discipline of entrepreneurial studies, to make innovative decisions critical to the development, and the establishment of innovative and creative business ideas.

For admission requirements please click here

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) as a 360-credit qualification on level 7 (SAQA ID: 111287).

The IIE BCOM in Entrepreneurship will provide graduates with the skills required to create, innovate, implement and manage new products and/or services within either large corporate business or small businesses. This Degree will enable graduates to apply a well-rounded knowledge base across a broad range of industries and government departments/entities.
Career opportunities for graduates of this qualification exist as:

  • Entrepreneur
  • Small Business Manager
  • Corporate Entrepreneur
  • New Business Developer
  • Business Consultant

The modules are presented via a distance mode of delivery; supported by online mediation sessions. Students will be required to complete various forms of assessments and activities; different assessment approaches are integrated throughout all modules on the programme. Informed by the principle of flexibility, a selection of modules will be offered each semester to accommodate a study journey to suit the personal needs of the student within the qualification progression rules. The curriculum below is correct at the time of print. Please note that in line with academic practice, The IIE’s curriculum is reviewed annually thus changes may occur in module structure and sequence in order to ensure that the qualification remains relevant. The exit level outcomes of the programme do not change. Registered students receive an updated programme curriculum on an annual basis.

The IIE Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship degree is accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and is registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) on the
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) at level 7 - the same level as other equivalent undergraduate degrees at South African universities. The opportunity to apply for a postgraduate certificate/diploma or Honours degree at The IIE or any South African university exists subject to meeting specific programme entrance requirements.
It is important to remember that your academic results remain a key factor when applying for further studies

The IIE is not only accredited in South Africa but its dedication to providing quality education also led to it being accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) in 2014. The British Accreditation Council is an independent authority in the United Kingdom that accredits private providers globally, including Greece, Switzerland, Singapore, India, Mauritius and the United Arab Emirates. In 2017 The IIE had its accreditation status confirmed by the BAC as an Independent Higher Education Institution confirming our confidence in the international comparability of our standards.

South African students need to know, when they select a private higher education institution, that the standards offered are equivalent to those of a public University. Our students get this from our extensive local accreditation and registration. The students also benefit from knowing that we meet international standards too. The IIE is accredited as an Independent Higher Education Institution by the British Accreditation Council. Locally and internationally we have demonstrated the quality of what we offer.

The IIE’s Varsity College students can be confident that their IIE learning experience meets international best practice standards.

The IIE’s Varsity College Exam Centres

Eight IIE Varsity College Campus exam centres are available within South Africa for selection as the exam centre at which you would write exams. You will receive operational support from the Online Centre.

Alternative Venues

An alternative examination centre is only permissible for international students and those located in a province of South Africa where there is no IIE campus. It is your responsibility to identify an examination centre (educational or religious site or embassy or consulate) if you have not already done so. Once you have secured your examination venue, we require a letter confirming availability from the examination centre you have chosen. If a change of examination venue is required – it is again the student’s responsibility to locate a new venue and provide the confirmation letter together with the supporting documentation which details the reason for the examination venue change. Students registered in the distance mode must select an Examination Centre at which to undertake the sit-down summative assessments per module. These are usually scheduled at the close of each semester. A student based in South Africa may select any campus of The IIE’s Varsity College, Rosebank College, Vega, or IIE MSA as their Examination Centre. If there is no IIE campus within reach of the student, an alternative venue will need to be sourced by the student. For these non-IIE venues, there is an alternative venue levy per module.

Please note, once the examination venue is selected and confirmed, it cannot be changed within eight weeks prior to the summative examination.